Bitcoin Grandpa Story by Stephen Harrison

"Everything you know about Bitcoin is thanks to this Czech Grandpa..."
I've been really curious about the people responsible for our facts in this digital era. Bitcoin seemed like a good topic because I knew nothing and it seemed like a whole lot of us are trying to educate ourselves at the same time. And perhaps the main resource to acquire that general knowledge is Wikipedia, which powers everything from Google search results to virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa.
Turns out, the most prolific editor behind the Bitcoin page is Ladislav Mecir, a grandfather who lives in the Czech Republic. Mecir is definitely not your typical "Bitcoin Bro" and in fact owns no cryptocurrency. He was also extremely gracious when we spoke. It just goes to show that there's not always a boogeyman on the other side of the computer screen!
Read Mecir's story over at the Outline.