Source Notes - A New Regular Column by Stephen Harrison

Proud to announce that today I'm starting a new biweekly column for Slate. Oops, I meant this. Going forward, I should definitely be more careful with my hyperlinking. :)
SOURCE NOTES will explore Wikipedia, digital knowledge, and the search for a fact-based world. The column is part of Slate's Future Tense partnership. As you might have guessed, I'm thrilled by the opportunity to cover this subject area on a regular basis.
My first article for the series is about health information on Wikipedia. Did you know that more than 90 percent of medical students, and 50-70 percent of physicians, use the online encyclopedia as a resource?
>> Read the story at Slate. "Why Wikipedia's Medical Content is Superior"
Other News in the Wiki World: You might remember my profile of Steven Pruitt last year for The Washington Post. He's the most prolific English Wikipedia editor with nearly 3 million contributions and such a friendly guy. Well, on Saturday, he appeared on national news for CBS This Morning to talk about his Wikipedia hobby. I woke up bright and early to see him. Congratulations, Mr. Pruitt! You can watch that video segment here.

As always, please feel free to refer your friends to this email list if they would be interested or follow me on Twitter for more regular updates (including an announcement about the new column). Thanks as always for letting me send you my stories.